In the Situation of a Fire - Plan Ahead and Prepare

The fire damage restoration professionals at Paul Davis understand how detrimental home fires are. Not only can home fires decimate your residence and personal possessions, but they are emotionally unsettling and make you feel insecure. Fires can occur in a matter of minutes and can be produced by a number of variables, so a lot of the time they're out of your control such as natural disasters or your neighbor's house being on fire. However, there are still a few steps you can implement to decrease the risk of a home fire in your house.

Design and Implement an Emergency Strategy for Your Property

All home fires aren't avoidable and you can only do so much. That is why it's integral to have safety plans ready. Fire extinguishers and smoke alarms are a necessity, and always check that you have the proper amount to accommodate your house. However, you should consider installing smoke alarms that can identify smoke from fires caused by electricity, since damaged wiring can be a cause of home fires. If you have children, you'll want to instruct them on how the smoke alarm sounds and what to do when in the incident where one goes off. Come up with fire escape routes and make sure everybody knows about them. There should always be two exits from every room in the property. You'll also need to have a planned meeting spot outside of the property so that you know everybody makes it out safely. Another thing you need to do is secure your important items such as birth certificates, passports and photographs. You can create digital replicas and place them into a cloud drive for safe keeping, and you can get a fire safe box to keep the real copies safe too. Lastly, take inventory of all your personal possessions for insurance reasons in case they're engulfed by the flames.

To Lessen the Risks of Home Fires Perform These Measures

There are a few aspects to be aware of so you can minimize the risks and dangers that are commonly associated with home fires:

  • Cooking: It's critical to be attentive in the kitchen and to not ignore cooking food alone. Without exception have somebody there to monitor what's going on.
  • Appliances and Electrical: Make sure to do a periodic check on your electrical appliances and make sure the plugs and cords are in working condition. Also, when your light switches are hot to the touch, then you need to switch them out.
  • Portable Heaters: It is crucial to keep any combustible items at least three feet from a space heater. You'll also need your space heater to have a control mechanism too and other safety features such as turning off when the heater falls over.
  • Fireplaces: Having a suitable screen for your fireplace is necessary for the safety of your property and everybody who resides in it. Ensure that it's sturdy enough to catch flares and rolling logs. Also, you should clean your fireplace and chimney routinely to rid the immensely flammable creosote that forms.
  • Children: Store any matches or lighters in a location that is out of reach and out of sight from children to stop their curiosity from starting a fire. Teach your children that fire is not a toy too.
  • Smoking: Inside smoking makes your property exposed to home fires, so the finest way to prevent a disaster is to smoke outdoors. If you do smoke indoors, have the suitable ashtrays to restrain a cigarette or cigar from rolling onto the floor. However, if somebody in the home is on oxygen, do not smoke indoors since oxygen is highly combustible.

If You Need Fire Damage Restoration Maintenance - Get in Touch with Paul for Expert Help Today

Immediately call the expert fire damage restoration team at Paul Davis if your property has had a fire. Our professional team can re-mediate any fire damage and have your house back in good condition. For a franchise near you, give us a call at 888-473-7669.